The time to strike is now.

As the tides are turning and as more and more homeowners are finding out about the fraud committed by these so called “banks”, more homeowners are deciding to fight back. In fact, one Florida homeowner actually foreclosed on Bank of America and won.

Here’s the truth.  There are more of us than there are of them.  Every time one of us stands up and say “no more!”, it takes another lawyer away from their pool and it cost them money.  In fact, it costs them as much as $25,000 in a retainer for every homeowner who files an action against them.  As you know, lawyers don’t come cheap.  In the last quarter of 2010, Bank of America paid over $1.5 billion in legal fees alone (and this does not include outside counsel from homeowners suing them).  So it is hurting them.  What you do matters.


Right now, there is so much back log of available lawyers on the banks side, they are digging pretty low.  They are dragging intellectual property attorneys, tax attorneys and anyone else they can find just to put up a fight….and many homeonwers are winning due to default because the banks did not have enough resources to respond in time.


When one gets bitten by one ant, it’s “so what”.  But when one gets bitten by a thousand…it hurts.  When one gets bitten by a million…it’s deadly.  Every one of us that starts an action against these crooks is another soldier in the ranks fighting for truth and justice against these greedy banksters.


Will you join the fight?  Want to learn more about foreclosure defense?


Vince Khan