
Looking for a Real Deal Honest to Goodness Affordable Attorney who Specializes in Foreclosure Defense?


1) What is your phone number? Can I call you or can you call me? My situation is rather unique.
We are constantly asked for personal attention. Sadly, the organizers and authors can not help you. This is why we have created a membership forum so members can help each other. The banking system wants to shut us down and only need a tiny excuse to do so. They would want to accuse us of practicing law without a license. Offering you ANY personal advice can be construed as offering legal advice.

The best way to get help is to join our foreclosure defense membership program so you can connect with others in your area. Our members enjoy access to a vast array of services and resources.

Otherwise, email us at the address below and we will do our best to help you or direct you to the appropriate resource.

2) Why are you hiding your names and contact information?
Honestly, we fear for our lives. We prefer to be anonymous not because we have anything to hide. What we have to say is not popular by the banking elites.
3) Do you know of a good lawyer in my area?
Please look at our Lawyers Who “Gets it” directory.
4) Help, my house is up for sale next week. How can I stop the sale?
Please take a look at our article about stopping a foreclosure sale.  Alternatively, consult with an attorney who have a HIGH TRACK RECORD OF SUCCESS of stopping foreclosures.  These guys are not only good at what they do, they are affordable.  Click here for more info.
5) I have already lost my home to a foreclosure sale. How can I sue the lender for damages?
Please take a look at the Wrongful Foreclosure product under the Products tab.
6) How long do I have to pay the monthly membership?
You are free to discontinue it at any time. This is for your continued access to our services and member privileges.
7) How to cancel recurring billing payment on PayPal?
a. Click the Details link of your transaction or view the details of your order.


b. Once you are on the Subscription details, click the link to cancel.


c. Confirm cancellation by clicking Yes on a new window that will appear on your screen. You have correctly cancelled the subscription once you see this message “This profile has been cancelled and cannot be reactivated. No more recurring payments will be made.”


General Questions/Customer Service/Access issues

“Finding an attorney who knows this area of law is often a struggle.  Not only that, most will not even look at you until you fork out $5000…and that’s just to start looking at your case.

We found an attorney network who truly understands this area of law who is not only affordable but have apayment plan to help keep you in your home while they defend it against illegal foreclosures.

(YES! These guys have been interrogated and invested by Vince Khan himself and have his FULL ENDORSEMENT.)

If you are looking for an attorney, or need legal help and want to speak with someone about your situation, click here for more info.”

Joint Ventures

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We pay monthly on the 1st of the month via Paypal.

To become an affiliate, simply opt-in to our mailing list below.  Be sure to use the email address associated with your Paypal account.  You will be sent an email with your affiliate link at the bottom of the email.

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